
This Could Be The Year...

I know it's somewhat cliché, the whole 'this could be the year' thing, but I really feel like it could be. Andrew and I will celebrate our eighth anniversary in March, and it's high time our life take a turn for the better. Now, I'm not saying that our life has been bad, not by any means. It just feels to me like each time we're feeling as though things are going our way, the proverbial other shoe tends to drop. It's never a lightweight shoe either, like a flip flop or a pair of Keds. No, it's nearly always some dirt-covered, smellier than a garbage dump, steel-toe work boot dropped from well above our heads with little to no warning whatsoever. This time, the shoe's name is Unemployment. Andrew was let go from his (now former) job on December 23. So, we're forging on into a new year with a completely blank slate. With some luck, some prayer, a lot of job hunting and copious amounts of faith, I truly believe that this setback called Unemployment will take us on a journey that perhaps we need to take. I'm not sure where the road ahead is going, but I plan to travel it with my eyes, heart and mind wide open.

So where did my 'this could be the year' attitude come from? The shuffle setting on Rhapsody. I'd put up a playlist of music that gets me motivated and set it to do its thing. When Ryan Star's "This Could Be The Year" started to play, ideas popped into my mind. I knew I needed to focus on what I can do, not what's already done. And a blog post was born! So for those of you who don't know the joys of Ryan Star, I'm including a link to the song. Enjoy! Oh--and look below it for my first photo of P365: 2010. Happy New Year to you all!!



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