
I ♥ Cookbooks

I really, really love them. Take me to a book store and my body immediately, as if on autopilot, heads directly to the cookbook section. I could spend hours there just browsing the section, reading the recipes and droo-I mean admiring the photos. Every so often I allow myself to indulge and I actually buy a cookbook. A good sale, or a trip to Half-Price Books might net me several cookbooks at once. I can't say that I'm drawn to a particular type of cookbook, but I do tend to gravitate towards ones that involve easy or fast meal prep, slow cookers, casseroles and even ethnic cuisines. 

Here's the thing about my cookbook obsession: I never use them. Well, not never, but rarely. It's not that I don't like to cook, I actually love it. When it comes to recipes though, I tend to just search the web or wing it and do whatever comes to mind. So what do I do with them? I read them. From cover to cover, over and over again. It truly fascinates me to go through a cookbook and look at what goes into a recipe and say, "Ooooooh, that sounds delicious!" or "Oh man, that's gross!!" And sometimes, I'll find a recipe that I just have to try. It doesn't always turn out the way I expect, but it's sure fun to try them.

So, if you're ever stumped on a gift idea for me...go with a cookbook, I'm sure to love it!


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